TELE-PLUS is a provider of strategic and purpose built solutions for Telecommunications infrastructure and Expense management. The core value proposition and competency of TELE-PLUS and our products is to assist our clients in addressing the need to manage high value and challenging telecommunication expenses.
With huge expansion of wireless and internet services, one of the fastest growing expense on a corporation’s balance sheet is telecommunications expense. Due to the overly complex billing systems of Telco suppliers, it is also one of the least audited and managed expense item. Typical ERP GL systems are not fundamentally designed to manage these critical spending items and are not capable of navigating through the complex billing systems of the Telcos. Industry consultants suggest that these costs can be reduced on average between 10% and 25% with the use of Telecom management solutions
The TELE-PLUS Software solutions enable organizations to gain visibility into and management control over their Telecom spending and asset management including inventory control, PBX management, Call Detail tracking, Service Ordering process, Invoice processing and audit, Wireless management and general reporting and analytical data mining.